Chen, X., Kubát, M. Mean Dependency Distance in Contemporary Czech Language – a Genre Analysis. In: International Corpus Linguistics Conference CILC2024. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 2024.
Chen, X., Kubát, M. a Mačutek, J. Directions of Dependency Structures in the Czech National Corpus SYN2020: Application to Genre Classification. In: JADT 2024 - 17th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data. Brusel: UCLouvain. 2024.
Kubát, M., Chen, X. Dependency Directions as a Stylometric Tool: Distinguishing Genres in Czech through Syntactic Analysis. In: 15th International Corpus Linguistics Conference CILC2024. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 2024.
Chen, X. 基于神经网络语言模型的语义向量空间定量分析. In: The 7th GDUFS Forum on Applied Linguistics. Guangzhou: Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. 2023.
Chen, X. The Power of AI: Unlocking Possibilities. In: Podzimní soft-computingový workshop 2023 (VŘSR 2023). Rožnov pod Radhoštěm: Ostravská univerzita. 2023.
Chen, X. Analysis of the semantic vector space induced by a neural language model and a corpus. In: international workshop on corpus stylistics and stylometric. Ostrava: univesity of ostrava. 2023.
Chen, X., Wei, Z. How to define a word in Japanese? Word segmentation in Japanese from the Zipf’s law perspective. In: QUALICO 2023. Lausanne: University of Lausanne. 2023.
Kubát, M., Čech, R. a Chen, X. Distribution of syntactic functions in different styles and genres. In: QUALICO 2023. Lausanne: University of Lausanne. 2023.
Kubát, M., Čech, R., Chen, X. Attributivity and Subjectivity in Contemporary Written Czech. In: SyntaxFest. Sofia: Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”. 2022.
Kubát, M., Chen, X., Pelegrinová, K. a Čech, R. Attributivity and Syntactic Subjectivity in Contemporary Written Czech. In: Qualico. Tokyo. 2021.
Chen, X. Applications of neural network language models. In: II. Summer Workshop for Statistics in Linguistics. Trojanovice: Ostravská univerzita. 2021.
Quasy (SyntaxFest) 2019, Workshop / The relationship between dependency distance and frequency. Xinying Chen, Kim Gerdes. Sorbonne Nouvelle. Paris, August 26.
UDW (SyntaxFest) 2019, Workshop / Rediscovering Greenberg’s word order universals in UD. Kim Gerdes, Sylvain Kahane, Xinying Chen. Sorbonne Nouvelle. Paris, August 30.
TALC seminar, Invited talk / Typometrics: from treebanks to typological universals. Kim Gerdes, Sylvain Kahane, Xinying Chen. University of Lorraine. Nancy, June 5.
Recent trends in Quantitative Linguistics, Workshop / How does the word length of Chinese words change? A diachronic analysis based on Google Ngrams. Xinying Chen. National and Kapodistrian University. Athens , March 27.
Tools and Methods for Empirical Syntax Study, Workshop / Word order investigations based on UD. Kim Gerdes, Sylvain Kahane, Xinying Chen. University of Ostrava. Ostrava, April 16.
Universal Dependencies and Language Typologies, Workshop / Universal Dependencies and language typologies. Xinying Chen, Radek Čech. University of Ostrava. Ostrava, January 24.
Invited talk / Texts, Treebanks, Networks: Descriptions and analysis of languages. Xinying Chen. Université Paris Nanterre. Paris, October 2.
Qualico 2018, Workshop / The power law distribution in Universal Dependencies. Xinying Chen. University of Wrocław. Wroclaw, July 5.
Sunbelt 2017, Workshop / Observing grammaticalization processes in networks of Chinese characters. Xinying Chen. International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA). Beijing, June 1.
DepLing 2017, Workshop / Classifying languages by dependency structure. Xinying Chen, Kim Gerdes. University of Pisa. Pisa, September 19.
Qualico 2016, Workshop / A diachronic study of Chinese words based on Google Ngram data. Xinying Chen, Heng Chen. Trier University. Trier, Auguest 26.
DepLing 2015, Workshop / Classifying syntactic categories in the Chinese dependency network. Xinying Chen, Haitao Liu, Kim Gerdes. Uppsala University. Uppsala, Auguest 24.
Invited talk / Valency Grammar. From theory to practice. Xinying Chen, Haitao Liu. Roma Tre University. Rome, May 25.
Invited talk / Language networks: From the perspective of linguistics. Xinying Chen. Goethe University Frankfurt. Frankfurt, September 18.
Qualico 2014, Workshop / Using language network characteristics to do text classification. Xinying Chen. Palacký University Olomouc. Olomouc, May 31.
Qualico 2014, Workshop / Structural complexity of Chinese characters and Zipf’s law. Yanru Wang, Xinying Chen. Palacký University Olomouc. Olomouc, May 30.
DepLing 2013, Workshop / Dependency network syntax. Xinying Chen. Charles University. Prague, August 29.
Invited talk / My work on Chinese syntactic dependency treebanks. Xinying Chen. Goethe University Frankfurt. Frankfurt, December 9.